Thursday, March 18, 2010

Autism Parents: Antidotes to Stress - Alpha Waves

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In a recent article, I discussed the process called “fight or flight” which is a chemical reaction in our bodies caused by the many stress events we experience each day. To release another group of natural chemicals in our body that work very effectively to counteract stress hormones, we must first understand a little about brain waves. Once we know something about brain waves, it becomes quickly apparent that people who experience huge amounts of stress would do themselves a favor to include activities in daily life that increase Alpha waves. Later on in this article, we will list many activities that increase Alpha waves.

A machine called an ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (EEG) measures four major brain waves; Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta.

DELTA: Is seen only in the deepest stages of sleep (sleep stages 3&4). It is the slowest oscillating waves 0-4 cycles per second. Problems with insomnia if Delta and Theta can’t be turned on.

THETA: Is seen in light sleep and drowsiness (sleep stages 1&2). 4-7 waves per second. Caffeine suppresses Theta and Alpha while promoting Beta

ALPHA: Is seen in wakefulness where there is a relaxed and effortless alertness. 8-13cycles per second.

-Stronger immune systems-Creative inspiration
-Peak performance
-No Alpha waves found in fear and anger
-No Alpha waves found in deep sleep
-Less anxiety

BETA: Is seen in highly stressful situations and where there is difficult mental concentration and focus. 13-40 cycles per second.

BRAIN WAVE STUDIES: Numerous brainwave studies of meditation established that meditators could exert profound control over their brain waves.

Dr. Herbert Benson's Relaxation Response is basically meditation in its simplest form. In the past 30 years, over 600 studies have been done on the effect of transcendental meditation (or any other meditation for that matter) and its positive effects in reducing stress. You can see some of those studies by doing a search on Transcendental Meditation and you will find those studies on their website. Herbert Benson, M.D., is the founder of the Mind/Body Institute.

Dr. Benson is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Benson is the author or co-author of more than 170 scientific publications and seven books. Dr. Benson is a pioneer in mind/body medicine, as well as in bringing spirituality and healing into medicine. Through his 35+ year career, he defined the relaxation response and continues to lead teaching and research into its efficacy in counteracting the harmful effects of stress. The recipient of numerous national and international awards, Dr. Benson lectures widely about mind/body medicine and the M/BMI's work. Go to his website:

If you want to feel less stress and anxiety, you should increase the amount of Alpha waves you experience.

Another fascinating study on stress was done at Cornell University and talks about the fact that our molecules have a built in memory of prior stress events and this is an important concept as it relates to prior incidents of fight or flight. The article is called Tuning The 'Fight-Or-Flight ' Response: Molecular Memory Of Stress Prompts Adrenaline Surges, Cornell Study Shows.

Another great article published in Megabrain Reports, May, 1994, by James V. Hardt, Ph.D, of the The Biocybernaut Institute, edited for the web is called Alpha Feedback Training May Be Closer To Zen Than To Yoga, Part 7 - continued from part 6.

MYSTIC THETA: Was a type of brain wave found in people who have consistently meditated for 21+ years.

Meditators with 21- 40 years experience demonstrated a new and non-drowsy type of Theta wave (Mystic Theta) which oscillates with Alpha waves and spreads from the back of the head to the frontal lobes.

Meditators with 6 -20 years experience showed Alpha waves spreading from the back of the head to the frontal lobes.

Research has determined that Alpha waves are present when you:

-Laugh: watch a funny movie (Norman Cousins “Anatomy of an Illness”)

-Listen to music-Walk in nature and beauty

-Smell flowers

-Walk by a babbling brook

-Get a massage

-Walk on a beach and listen to waves

-Pet puppies

-Go into a forest at night and hear nothing but the sound of crickets

-Take a warm, lightly scented bubble bath, Jacuzzi, hot tub

-Also drinking water helps reduce stress symptoms

So try and do some of these Alpha wave activities each day, along with practicing a simple form of meditation called the Relaxation Response by Dr. Benson and you will be reducing your stress greatly.

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